If you are a federal employee, and judging from the hits on this blog, most of you are, then you probably recently received an increase in your SmartBenefits. In most cases your increase will, in fact, cover the full cost of the MARC monthly fare and then some. That is, until the MARC-ons realize that the feds are getting more money and decided to raise the fares.
What you should do NOW (before June 17th) is update your CommuterDirect.com account to reflect the new "Promise" amount that would go toward the Renewable Order for your MARC monthly pass. I just tried this and while it is ridiculously simple there are a few things to watch for.
1. Click here https://www.commuterpage.com/TransitPassMenu_V3.cfm?logout=1 and log into your CD account. Set or skip the new security question option.
2. Click My Account on the left
3. Click the Renewable Order tab at the top
4. Click the tiny "edit\suspend order" button
5. Change the promise amount (DELETE the decimal and trailing zeroes. For me the amount shows $90.00. If you change it $125.00, it will think you actually mean $1,250! Just enter 125.)
6. Click the Save button at the bottom. Basta.
So now, the full amount of my purchase should be covered by the SmartBenefits. On July 1, I will add the remaining amount onto my SmarTrip Card at the Metro station.
Stay tuned.
Harga Spesifikasi Evercoss Winnter T3
9 years ago